In summary, whilst the set-up costs for short term lets are greater than with longer term lets, the income can be more as well. There can be significant financial advantages in short term lets over longer term lets but only if the occupancy is high enough for the higher income to cover the extra costs. Remember it is appreciably more work to market and manage the property, but choosing to let your property as a Holiday Let allows you the flexibility to have the property for yourself from time to time.
You should also note that currently there is less bureaucracy and risk of damage to your property with a short term let (rather than with a longer term let). This is probably because of a combination of:
- The owner or manager of the property being present frequently to do changeovers means simple maintenance is being done continually
- Holiday guests generally spend less time in the property resulting in less ware and tear.
- People staying for a short period are unlikely to make any ammendments to the fixtures and fittings
Short term let properties are usually let with terms and conditions rather than a lease. In long term lets, the tenant is empowered with many rights over your property, their terms and conditions should be drafted to ensure this does not happen in short term lets.